Sunday, March 6, 2016

9 March - Science Quiz 3

1. Who is the father of automobile?

2. Who is the father of chemotherapy?

3. Who is the father of industrial engineering?

4. Who is the father of geology?

5. Who is the father of periodic table of elements?

6. Who is the father of cybernetics?

7. Who is the father of hydrogen bomb?

8. Who is the father of brain surgery?

9. Who is the father of eugenics

10. Who is the father of physiology?


8 March - Science Quiz 2

1. Which was the first computer language?

2.Who discovered the first Home erectus fossil - the Java Apeman?

3. Which is the first weather satellite?

4. What is the name of the first test-tube baby?

5. Which is the first fully synthetic fibre?


7 March - Science Quiz 1

1. Who used the computer language for the first time for his computer

2. Who built the first Cyclotron machine to accelerate electric particles to high energies?

3. Who developed the technique to produce the first test tube baby?

4. Who observed the atmosphere of venus first?

5. Who built the first nuclear reactor "atomic pile"?

6. Who first gave the concept of atom?

7. Who found the size of earth correctly first?

8. Who built the first electron microscope?

9. Who first detected radio waves?

10. Who was the first to the first scientist/engineer to work out the principles of rocketry?